Découverte - Charles Tisseyre
January 2008
The following video is from a French Canadian channel and its talk about the environmental problem, especially the climate crisis.
(Due to a technical problem, I can only offer you the Internet link of the video)
The video shows us how important the problem of the global warming is. The main idea of it is that Kyoto will not be successful in 2012 which was suppose to be the final year of the protocol, the fact that the USA and the Canada rejected it and also the fact that they did not consider country like China or India who grew up very fast in the industrial domain. The main goal of Kyoto was to decrease the Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere; the USA was supposed to reduce 7% of their gases emissions and in fact the increase them by 14 %, the Canada is the worst, after Stephen Harper rejected Kyoto, they increase their Greenhouse gases emissions by 27% and they were suppose to reduce them by 6%. In the entire world, between 1990 and 2005, the Greenhouse gases emissions grew up by 25% and the scientific expect an increase of 70% by 2030. Also, they talked about the China that wants to get as many energy centrals as the USA have currently and they will all work by coal which are the type of centrals that pollute the most but it is cheaper. The entire scientific world worries about this case because it can cause huge consequences, the gas who pollutes the most is the CO2 and if his concentration became superior of 450 ppm (particles per million) there will be terrible catastrophes just like it
said in the movie of Al Gore (hurricanes, flood of important cities even of entire countries,...).
At the end of this video, they said that we should reduce those gases emissions by 80% in 2050 to be sure that nothing major happens but the point is we are expecting to be 9 Billions persons on earth at that time therefore, it is kind of impossible to achieve. So, the video really shows us how important the problem is and that we are all concern about it. Also, the video said to us that we really have to step up and make something to prevent this environmental problem.
**The pictures show us how the Greenhouse gases work and how we can see them.**
Thanks for reading,

**The pictures show us how the Greenhouse gases work and how we can see them.**
Thanks for reading,
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