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Free Post #1
The environmental problem is one that creates a lot of debates because everyone knows that the consequences can be very dangerous and our life can depend on it. The truth is that everywhere in the world the temperature gets higher and higher, the water that we drink become more and more rare in some part of the world, the diseases in the world are worst than ever and a lot easier to catch, there is more than ever natural disaster that happen each year, the quality of air is worst each time the scientific look at it and the cultivators have a lot more difficulties to have good productions in fruits and vegetables. The problem is here, the statistics proves it: the number of hurricanes has almost doubled in the last 30 years, malaria can now be find in higher altitudes, Colombian Andes (7000 feet over the sea level), due to the global warming, over 270 animals and plants species has already moved to the poles. Moreover,
in the future the expectations are just catastrophic; in 2050 the Arctic Ocean could be ice free and more than a million species could be extinct. For Canada, the global warming has already started; the average temperature of Canada increased of 7.2 degrees Celsius over the past 15 years and scientific said that in the future, the temperature could increase of 3.1 degrees Celsius each year.
The huge problem for the environmental one is all the governments who just don’t care about it; they not ready to make sacrifices to save life, the only think they care about, is their own economy. For example, in Saudi Arabia, their government don’t want to make any change for their economy because of the international lack of their main product, the petrol, they are doing a lot of money but they still rejecting a huge amount of pollution in the air. The United States of America don’t want to get involve in Kyoto because they say their economy will be too much affected. Our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, just don’t care about the environment because the country have a huge reserve in petrol in Alberta. Also, countries like Brazil where the government sells parts of the Amazonian forest to some private companies even if the scientific world called this forest, the earth’s lung. In Quebec, the view is totally different; the government wants to engage the province in Kyoto even if the Federal government doesn’t want to and he puts lot of money and creates policies for the environmental issue even if sometimes there are some decisions that are wrong (green spaces in Montreal). But, overall, Quebecers are very concern about this problem and they are trying to do something for it; in the past 10 years, recycling became a huge industry just like the public transport. The biggest natural resource of the Quebec is the water and after the publication of the contamination
of a dozen of lakes, the population started to get more and more involve in the protection of the water. My point of view concerning the difference between the persuasion of the population of the province of Quebec and the ones of some other parts of the world is that in Quebec, we don’t have companies, industries or big factories who pollutes as much as the petrol ones, for example, so it is completely different, our economy does not depend on one product who pollutes the environment. Also, we are very attached to the nature, our land and our rivers.
**The second picture represent the temperature change (in °C) from an average of 1961 to 1990 to the present days.**
**The statistics are from Statistic Canada, Green Peace and the movie of Al Gore, An inconvenient truth.**
Thanks for reading,
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