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To finish this work, I strongly believe that we should all been worried about the environmental problem, specifically with the consequences that can happen if we are not taking care of our planet. The ones that have the power to make a difference have to do something about the environment and let the economy alone for a moment because our life depends on what we will do to prevent global warming and the contamination of the water. People have to start little things that, at the end, can make a huge difference such as not let the water on all the time when you are brushing your teeth or you are going somewhere with your friends, you try
to take only one car or even better, public transport. At the same time, government should do everything that he can to protect all his natural resources, the green areas, to teach to people how to pollutes the least we can, to give subventions to companies to find a way to produce what they are doing and at the same time not polluting and therefore getting a place to work more healthy. In conclusion, we can say that it is right now the time to act (not tomorrow, now!) to resolve the biggest problem that the world has to face. We don’t to see terrible things happen and let the futures generations having a life that is in a world completely ruined, because the only thing people wanted in the past was to make profit. I think it would better to talk about our generation like the one that made a huge difference in the history by taking care about the earth, our home.
I hope that you enjoy the reading as much as I loved to do this research and learn about this big issue.
Radio Canada
Découverte - Charles Tisseyre
January 2008
The following video is from a French Canadian channel and its talk about the environmental problem, especially the climate crisis.
(Due to a technical problem, I can only offer you the Internet link of the video)
The video shows us how important the problem of the global warming is. The main idea of it is that Kyoto will not be successful in 2012 which was suppose to be the final year of the protocol, the fact that the USA and the Canada rejected it and also the fact that they did not consider country like China or India who grew up very fast in the industrial domain. The main goal of Kyoto was to decrease the Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere; the USA was supposed to reduce 7% of their gases emissions and in fact the increase them by 14 %, the Canada is the worst, after Stephen Harper rejected Kyoto, they increase their Greenhouse gases emissions by 27% and they were suppose to reduce them by 6%. In the entire world, between 1990 and 2005, the Greenhouse gases emissions grew up by 25% and the scientific expect an increase of 70% by 2030. Also, they talked about the China that wants to get as many energy centrals as the USA have currently and they will all work by coal which are the type of centrals that pollute the most but it is cheaper. The entire scientific world worries about this case because it can cause huge consequences, the gas who pollutes the most is the CO2 and if his concentration became superior of 450 ppm (particles per million) there will be terrible catastrophes just like it said in the movie of Al Gore (hurricanes, flood of important cities even of entire countries,...).
At the end of this video, they said that we should reduce those gases emissions by 80% in 2050 to be sure that nothing major happens but the point is we are expecting to be 9 Billions persons on earth at that time therefore, it is kind of impossible to achieve. So, the video really shows us how important the problem is and that we are all concern about it. Also, the video said to us that we really have to step up and make something to prevent this environmental problem.
**The pictures show us how the Greenhouse gases work and how we can see them.**
Thanks for reading,
The environmental problem is one that creates a lot of debates because everyone knows that the consequences can be very dangerous and our life can depend on it. The truth is that everywhere in the world the temperature gets higher and higher, the water that we drink become more and more rare in some part of the world, the diseases in the world are worst than ever and a lot easier to catch, there is more than ever natural disaster that happen each year, the quality of air is worst each time the scientific look at it and the cultivators have a lot more difficulties to have good productions in fruits and vegetables. The problem is here, the statistics proves it: the number of hurricanes has almost doubled in the last 30 years, malaria can now be find in higher altitudes, Colombian Andes (7000 feet over the sea level), due to the global warming, over 270 animals and plants species has already moved to the poles. Moreover,
in the future the expectations are just catastrophic; in 2050 the Arctic Ocean could be ice free and more than a million species could be extinct. For Canada, the global warming has already started; the average temperature of Canada increased of 7.2 degrees Celsius over the past 15 years and scientific said that in the future, the temperature could increase of 3.1 degrees Celsius each year.
The huge problem for the environmental one is all the governments who just don’t care about it; they not ready to make sacrifices to save life, the only think they care about, is their own economy. For example, in Saudi Arabia, their government don’t want to make any change for their economy because of the international lack of their main product, the petrol, they are doing a lot of money but they still rejecting a huge amount of pollution in the air. The United States of America don’t want to get involve in Kyoto because they say their economy will be too much affected. Our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, just don’t care about the environment because the country have a huge reserve in petrol in Alberta. Also, countries like Brazil where the government sells parts of the Amazonian forest to some private companies even if the scientific world called this forest, the earth’s lung. In Quebec, the view is totally different; the government wants to engage the province in Kyoto even if the Federal government doesn’t want to and he puts lot of money and creates policies for the environmental issue even if sometimes there are some decisions that are wrong (green spaces in Montreal). But, overall, Quebecers are very concern about this problem and they are trying to do something for it; in the past 10 years, recycling became a huge industry just like the public transport. The biggest natural resource of the Quebec is the water and after the publication of the contamination
of a dozen of lakes, the population started to get more and more involve in the protection of the water. My point of view concerning the difference between the persuasion of the population of the province of Quebec and the ones of some other parts of the world is that in Quebec, we don’t have companies, industries or big factories who pollutes as much as the petrol ones, for example, so it is completely different, our economy does not depend on one product who pollutes the environment. Also, we are very attached to the nature, our land and our rivers.
**The second picture represent the temperature change (in °C) from an average of 1961 to 1990 to the present days.**
**The statistics are from Statistic Canada, Green Peace and the movie of Al Gore, An inconvenient truth.**
Thanks for reading,
La Presse Canadienne
Undefined author
Quand le thermomètre ne sait plus où donner de la tête
In this article, the author mentioned that in the city of Montreal the surfaces of green space in the city became smaller over the years and that cause an augmentation of the temperature and the degradation of the air. In fact, between the years 1998 and 2005, the city made a decision to take some green spaces and transform them into buildings or commercial places. So with the time those green spaces became smaller and smaller, 18 percent of those ancient green territories are now commercial places. Now, in 2008, the consequences of this decision are visible; sometimes in the summer, we can see a difference of 11.7 degrees Celsius between a place downtown (Saint-Laurent Boulevard) and a green space called the “Parc Mont-Royal” which is located in the mountain not far from downtown. In the article, Mr. Guy Garand said that certain parts of Montreal will become like an oven and the politicians had made a terrible decision. The worst part of this is that Montreal continues to lose green spaces for commercial places even if everyone can see the good effects to having green spaces in a city. Now, there is a local council who made a policy for Montreal and other cities around to preserve their own green spaces because without green spaces there will terrible consequences due to a local warming and a degradation of the air and the entire environment. At the end, the article said that the region of Montreal has only 4 percent of green protected areas compared to the suggestion of the international union for the protection of the environment which is a minimum of 12 percent. Personally, I completely agree with Mr. Garand and the local council that the situation in Montreal is unacceptable and the provincial government have to be engaged to resolve this problem. For the defence of Montreal, I can say that this city has been really innovative to battle the environmental problem with all the subventions to the public transport and the policies for recycling and the diminution of garbage. But, they still have a huge problem with two different locations in the city that have a difference in temperature of 11.7 degrees Celsius.
From many years, there is an environmental issue related to the global warming and the increase of the emissions of pollution in our atmosphere. With the time, this problem became more and more important and now, it is considered as the one that can change completely the world. This blog will give you the opportunity to see the significance of this problem and how everyone is concerned about it. Also, we will see how the perception of the problem is different between the one from the province of Quebec (Canada) and some other parts of the world. Moreover, we will see why it is so different that people have different point of view about the environmental problem. Personally, I am very concerned by the environment and all the debates about it and I believe that everyone should know what is going to happen if we are not taking care of our home, the Earth. For example, the source of life, the water that we drink is truly menaced by all the pollution that we ship in our rivers, if we
still doing nothing about it, lifes of certain person form different part of the world are really in danger. The fact is that we absolutely need to do something about it because as I said we are all concerned about it even if we are not the first ones to be in a terrible situation due the global warming or another environemental disaster. So, I hope you enjoy my blog and after that you read it you will be more concern about the environement and you will start to do the little things that can help the cause.
Thanks for reading,